How We Got Here
And how did we get to the launch of my Essential Wellness Studio and this website today? It began through the days and nights of triaging my husband's battle with cancer. Researching alternative methods to walk alongside Western medicine treatments. I studied and became a certified Reiki Master Teacher. I studied and we used essential oils to help us emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and with physical pain. Even after my husband's death, I studied and became certified as an Aromatouch therapist. I also studied and became certified in QiGong levels 1 & 2. Qigong taught me about the relation between feelings and how they relate and effect each of our organs over time. Qigong teaches us so much, starting with a relaxed posture and steady breath followed by certain choreographed hand movements, sounds, and meditation. This practice has been a game changer in our ability to heal while grieving.
Where to begin to describe something so loving and so horrifying at the same time, cancer. Having just turned forty-one my husband was feeling something funny in his heart, a flutter. He was about to take himself into the ER. Normally he would probably have dismissed the feeling all together but one of his best friends and groomsmen died from a heart attack a few months prior and then his mom died in four weeks of learning she had metastasized lung cancer a few months after that. After returning from the ER in the middle of the night he told me that all the test were clear and he wasn’t having a heart attack. The very next day as I walked in from work he was on the phone and looking rather concerned. As he hung up the phone he began to tell me that was the hospital and after reviewing the Xray they found a mass in his upper right lung that was large enough to cause concern by either collapsing the lung and or it may be cancer. It was cancer, and turned out to be the same cancer his mom had. I was concerned and direct with the doctor about getting started with next steps. After almost three (3) exhausting and loving years years of battling this cancer through, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation my husband lost his battle and died. The last four (4) years my son and I have been figuring out how to navigate this life without him.