My hope is to reach you before a diagnosis. My hope is to connect with you, walk alongside of you, introduce you to complimentary healing methods or tools, for your every day life. I give you permission to sit in silence, read a book, do your yoga practice, meditate, and sit on your porch and have a glass of wine with friends.
As resourceful and curious as I am, I found out I wasn’t prepared for my husband’s cancer diagnosis. Not five months earlier we had watched my mother-in-law succom to her own lung cancer diagnosis in four weeks. It hadn’t been quite five months when my husband told me he felt something funny with his heart and wasn't feeling well. He had to take himself into emergency that night, it was our 10 year wedding anniversary. Wait What?
He came home about 4am. He said the ER told him all the test results came back with no signs of a heart attack. It wasn’t until about 4:30PM the next day that the called him back. I remember the moment like it was yesterday. I was walking in the door from work and there he was sitting at the kitchen counter which his phone to his ear. I noticed the solemn look on his face as he hangup the phone.
Stepping off the stool, he greeted me with his warm hug and kiss then quickly sat back down. He went into telling me that was the X-ray tech calling to let him know that the X-rays showed a large enough module to spark concern in his upper right lobe of his lung. They wanted him to follow up with his primary care doctor. He didn't have a primary care doctor so he went to mine.
That phone call prompted our triage of lung cancer survival methods for the next almost three years until he died from his cancer diagnosis.
I researched and learned about all sorts of holistic alternative and nutritional methods for taking care of him and ourselves before and after his diagnosis. Methods such as Reiki, Aromatouch, essential oils, meditation, Qigong, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, and good old fashioned, talking with therapists.
After his death, I spent many days learning, studying and becoming certified as a Reiki Master, an essential oil goddess, Aromatouch technique, certified qigong teacher, and became certified in cupping. I also learned about the healing properties of crystals and become certified as a second level qigong teacher.
That being said, I opened up a ln Essential Wellness Studio a few years later after my husbands death, inviting people to self-care, giving them permission to self care!
I have a thriving practice and invite you, if you haven't already to come on in, book your first session with me, let's talk a little bit about you and what you need to SelfCare.
Hugs and Healing,
Ps. If my website is telling you I'm all booked up please reach out by text and I'll get you in. 408.800.7386